Friday, October 16, 2009

Love Revolution - Joyce Meyer

[Luke 6:38]

We need to declare war on selfishness.

[2 Corinthians 5:15]

I take up compassion and surrender my excuses.
I stand against injustice and commit to live out simple acts of God's love.
I refuse to do nothing. This is my resolve.
I am the Love Revolution.

"Will I continue being part of the problem or will I be part of the answer?"

I am only one, but still I am one, I cannot do everything, but I can do something and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something i can do.
---Edward Everett Hale

We must beware of thinking that words are enough.

[Acts 10:38]

Talking is not expensive, nor does it require much effort, but real love is costly.

If you can only relieve someone's pain one time for one hour, it is still worth doing.

[Matthew 5:13-14]

I am going to go out into the world today to spice things up!

Nothing good ever happens accidentally.

If we want to be part of a revolution, that means things must change, and things cannot change unless people do.
Change begins with me.

[Isaiah 61:11]

The heaviest tragedy of all tragedies is the tragedy of humanity's broken heart.

[Luke 4]

[Hebrews 6:19]

[Psalm 39:7]

Hope is always alive, even when the situation is bleak or seemingly impossible.

Our mission is to bring that hope along with faith and love to hurting people.

[Zechariah 9:12]

[Hebrews 13:15-16]

Singing a God song, joining in the great anthem of eternity, is one of the great joys of life here on Earth.

Empowering, defining, we are fueled in His presence to live out the great commission.

Fueled with our hands outstretched to heaven, and then readied with our hands presented in a stance ready to serve. Without times of prayer, meditation on the Word of God and those tender, stunning moments of a deepening relationship with Christ, our acts of service can easily become simply "works based", with the agenda driving the service being about us, rather than being about those who we are serving..

[Proverbs 4:23]

[Matthew 18:5]

Roll our sleeves up, swallow hard, pray and believe, and step out in faith.

*weekend buddy system?*

The journey of the heart is one of the most complex mysteries there is - the elation and the sadness, the hoping and the waiting, and for many, the unutterable disappointment that makes us not want to feel anything anymore.

When we don't understand the great love of God meant for us to lean into and find strength in, our hearts find other ways to cope, to manage, to survive even the harshest of realities. And this is where many people find themselves today, from the richest to the poorest, as poverty of the heart does not discriminate in its search to find a home.

[Psalm 27:3]

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